Supporting the Housers in 2023
First, Thank you for clicking on this link and prayerfully considering if/how you can partner with our family in 2023!
As you may have already read, this summer we had the opportunity to attend a missionary care and resilience camp. At this camp we had ample time to reflect and evaluate our time overseas as missionaries. We wrote out detailed timelines; praising God for so many blessings over the years, but also realized that we have found ourselves needing support in ways that we never expected over the years and continuing now.
One takeaway we were given at our missionary care camp is that we moved overseas without the support in place for long-term overseas success.
After living and serving overseas for 13 years, we have never had what we might call "systematic support"; meaning that since we were not sent by a mission organization (but answered a call independently) and we do not work for a ministry that specializes in thinking for or caring for missionaries (currently or into our future), we have been lacking certain support that is normally needed for long term success on the field and missing a key component of concentrated prayer. They urged us to work on building a more focused group of people to regularly pray for us , check in on us and financially invest in our family and the work happening here.
With this in mind, we have decided that we need to put together a support team. We want to focus this team with people who will actively pray for our family, and seek ways to remember us and think for our family as we serve the Lord overseas and into the future (whatever that may hold).
We will be asking this team to commit to pray us, frequently communicate with us, ask us questions about our life, ministry and/or financially support our family. We will be sharing special and specific updates with this group of people and asking for prayer, advice and support throughout the year.
To Join our Support Team:
1) Contact Steve ( notifying us of your desire to join the team
2) Download or Print one of the following graphics to keep as a reminder
3) You will receive a special support team email and continued communication
Additionally we will be asking for financial support as we turn the corner on our 13th year of ministry. If you would like to hear about our needs and how you can support us financially, please contact Steve ( and we will set up a time to connect. **Financial support is not required to be a part of our support team,.