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Family Worship Resources


Family Worship is an important part of Family Discipleship. God is worthy of our worship at all times, yet we tend to neglect worshipping Him in our home. Part of the Bring it Home heartbeat is that family worship should be a major part of every Christian home. Here are resources that we believe will help familes worship.

Simple Family Worship Guide





Family worship printable to help your family begin family worship. Print this guide and use is as a visual reminder to worship God in Song, Prayer and study of His word. 

Family Worship Journal


Do you need help planning your family worship? Would you like to keep track of your family worship so that you can look back and remember what God has been teaching your family? The Bring it Home Family Worship Journal is the resource for you. Free in PDF for personal printing. Contact Bring it Home via the "Buy it" Button for information on purchasing a printed and bound copy.

Family Worship

Dr. Beeke offers a heartfelt and solemn plea for families to return to Biblical, consistent and passionate family worship. With pastoral insight and care the author provides practical and valuable answers to the practice of family worship and at the same time addresses objections raised against it. In a world of impossible standards and idealism, this book is a helpful and motivating guide to implement or increase the depth of your family devotions.

A Neglected Grace

Pastor Jason Helopoulos calls parents and church leaders to reclaim the practice of family worship. This indispensable means of grace directs our children to seek Christ daily, preparing them to go out into the world as fully functioning Christian adults, who love Christ and see all of life in relation to Him.

Family Worship Book

Do you struggle to provide enjoyable, meaningful and spiritual times of family devotions? Do you avoid the whole subject but have the nagging thought that you should be doing something?

Let Family Worship equip you for leading your family in worship with the help of some key questions: What is family worship? What have other people done? Why Should I do it? How can I start? A Valuable resource which you will not exhaust in years.

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