Why Bring it Home?

Bring it Home is a community of families that want to be build their homes in a God honoring and Christ exulting way. We want to encourage each other to put in the effort to raise children in a home that is seasoned with grace and pursuing godliness. We also want to equip each other with resources that will help us along the journey to pleasing God.
We want you to come along with us!
Bring it Home is an initiative to bring the worship of God and the love of the Gospel to the forefront of Christian homes. We recognize that God’s will for the family is to make much of Him. Christian marriages is a picture of the Gospel and displays God’s love to a dying world (Ephesians 5). Christian parents are given the responsibility to share with their children the works of God and message of the Gospel (Deuteronomy 6). Consequently the faithful Christian home becomes fertile ground for discipleship and evangelism.
The Bring it Home initiative is simple. Bring your faith in the Gospel home, share it with your children and offer it to your neighbors. To say it another way, let your faith in Jesus bubble over to those around.
Bring it Home is focused on finding and creating Gospel-centered, God-honoring resources in order to encourage and equip Christian families. We believe the single most important discipline of a Christian home is the worship of God. Because of this, Bring it Home is committed to helping Christians families blend the word of God and the worship of God into the rhythm of their homes.
Want to connect with the Bring it Home community? Head over to the Facebook group and introduce yourself!
Please check out our resources pages before leaving today. Browse by the different categories and follow the links to where you can find the helpful resources.
If you would like more information about Bring it Home, check out the very first blog post that details the Bring it Home vision.