At Home Blog Series: Hebrews 10:19-31
Be Sure to Read the Passage as a Family before continuing
Theme: Sacrifice of the Son of God
Passage: Hebrews 10:19-31
Confidence and Assurance
Since Jesus has open the curtain and allowed us into the holy places, the writer of Hebrews calls us to hold fast to Jesus as we draw near to God, standing in His presence by the merit of His son.
Though we can have confidence in his merits, we must also never forget what it means to hold fast. We must cling to our faith and to act in accordance with the Gospel that has saved us. For if we know the truth about God and still reject Him and continue in sin, we should expect nothing but judgement. Anyone who disdains Jesus in this way has “profaned the blood” which He has spilled to purchase our redemption and sanctification. All people must keep in mind that “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Left to ourselves we have zero ground for confidence before God. We have earned nothing but his disfavor and scornful gaze. If we live by the basis of our own merit, we should fear to stand before the living God. Yet, by the blood of Jesus we are invited near, to stand before the throne of God in confidence and full assurance that we stand before Him cleansed and forgiven. We will only be assured of our salvation when we are able to keep our faith firmly in the sacrifice of Jesus.
What are some reasons that it might be hard to have confidence?
Where can we find confidence that God has forgiven our sin?
Why is it important to draw near to God?
Helpful Thought